Strategic data analysis

Strategic data analysis

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Propel your future

In a world where data is copious, captured for every buyer decision, and where AI is accelerating in impact and opportunity, it can be difficult to know where to start with leveraging data to design the sustainable processes that serve to build and protect your business.

Driving commercial value

At PKF, we work closely with our clients to explore the best ways to collate and identify the data needed to achieve their objectives. We then advise on how to use and leverage this information, for the benefit of their business.

We involve industry leaders from across PKF nationally and internationally to deliver industry-specific solutions focused on your objectives.

Working together, we can use your data to assist in responding to your most complex problems and identifying opportunities to drive commercial value.

PKF adopts a unique co-development and sharing approach in data. This means we collaborate with you to build not only the data strategy, but also the technical data solution. Through this approach, PKF does not control the technical outcome, and instead transfers this knowledge and the IP included within the tool we build for you, so that over time it becomes an integrated part of your business as usual activities.

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A demonstrated track record

PKF has an established track record of analysing and leveraging data to support a wide range of industry sectors. Here are some examples.

Warehouse and inventory management

The situation: A retail business was seeking to optimise its warehouse and inventory management. Our data scientists worked with our retail industry specialists to understand existing systems and processes against industry best practice. Warehouse data from six warehouses was analysed, together with logistics, transport and sales data.

The solution: Substantial warehouse burden was identified, along with significant inefficiency with respect to route optimisation. Number and layout of warehouses was adjusted and transport routes remapped. Underperforming processes were discontinued. Online dashboarding was implemented to provide the client with improved visibiltity over inventory and better route selection.

The result: Total savings for the client to date is estimated to be $15 million per annum.

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Over-charging and fraud by panel providers

The situation: A large private health insurance provider with thousands of provider contracts in place with hospitals and ancillary providers across Australia, was uncertain about the integrity of some of the contracts.

The solution: Following review and analysis, our data scientists prosecuted raw claim data against contractual terms, insurance policy rules and patient-level episodic data available from the hospital system. Substantial provider 'up-coding' and fraud was identified. Our team worked with the client to implement a new 'preferred provider' program and contract management controls.

The result: Total savings for the client is estimated to be $27.5 million per annum.

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Sales maximisation and business development strategy

The situationA large retailer, specialising in building and industrial roducts, with sales driven largely through in-store, online and commission-based sales agents, found the business did not have established market share in some key segments, despite dominating in many others. 

The solution: Internal sales information and data from an internal CRM was overlaid with publicly available building, construction and finance approvals to identify the drivers of variation of performance across segments. Through understanding the behaviours of segment under-performance, KPIs and incentives for commission agents were adjusted to focus on desirable behaviours, and appropriate reporting was implemented.

The result: The business is now growing in all previously under-performing segments.

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There is never one solution that fits all. Our priority is to understand your unique situation, and to work with you to deliver a solution that strengthens your business.

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