
Urgent Reminder: 2024 Lodgement Deadline Approaching

As the 2024 lodgement deadline approaches, we remind you of the importance of submitting your tax returns on time. Failure to meet this deadline may result in penalties and interest charges being applied to your account.

In many instances the ATO was lenient on lodgement penalties during the pandemic period and this treatment remained common for some time but the message is being made that this relaxed approach is ending (or over). Late lodgement not only disrupts the smooth functioning of operations but also incurs additional costs that could be otherwise allocated for productive purposes.

Therefore, we urge you to take the necessary steps to ensure timely lodgement of all returns. Should you encounter any challenges or require assistance in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be more than willing to assist you. Even if you are concerned that you have a tax debt and cannot pay immediately it is better to discuss the problems and we can almost always assist.

For those whose lodgements are up to date, we extend our appreciation for your diligence and assistance.

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