
Take 5... With David Pring

Q. What is a little known/interesting fact about you?

I love offshore sailing and my picture of getting away is sailing out through the heads on a multiple day voyage north or south.

Q. Do you have a career highlight so far?

Career highlights occur for me when delivering a client outcome as part of a team where no member of the team could have delivered the outcome by themselves.

Q. If you could spend a day in someone else’s shoes, whose would they be? Why?

My wife Deb’s shoes. I think I would learn a lot about kindness and treating people well. She is very special. Makes me think of the Beyonce song, "If I Were A Boy".

Q. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Scotch Fillet steak with a pepper sauce.

Q. What are you most looking forward to in the next five years?

Seeing granddaughter start school.

Q. What originally got you interested in your current career?

I was originally interested in a career in business and a wise man who owned a very successful business suggested looking at Chartered Accountancy. In a sliding doors moment of my career I did try accounting and it turns out I love the business of professional services.

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