
Gender Equity Network

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We want to foster a culture in which everyone has the opportunity to excel in their careers, regardless of gender. So, in July 2022, we formed the PKF Gender Equity Network.

The Gender Equity Network is a program which is open to you and our broader community. The program aims to promote gender equity, to nurture leadership and career advancement, and to help instill a culture that embraces diversity, equity and inclusion within the professional services sector of Australia and New Zealand.

We have meaningful discussions, we participate in learning and development opportunities, we share inspirational stories, and we gather together when we can to help inspire and empower ambitious professionals.

Fostering mental health - a call to action

Wayne Schwass, Founder of Puka Up and former AFL footballer, encourages all employers to take action to foster the mental health of the employees in their care.

"Every business today, in any industry of any size, is impacted by mental health. There are people are coming to work, who are struggling. They are stressed. They are overwhelmed. They are on the verge of burnout. They are not coping. Caring for the mental health of employees is not just ethically and culturally important, it is also commercial as it directly impacts productivity and profitability."

4 minutes, 38 seconds

Recognising NAIDOC Week 2024

Shawna Pope, RAP Officer of Reconciliation Australia, describes the significance of NAIDOC Week. 

"NAIDOC Week is important to me because it's a celebration of my history...not only my history but that of other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It brings people on a journey to learn about our cultures and histories, which a lot of people don't have an understanding of. It's a fun way to get involved with Australia's history, cementing what Australia really is." 

5 minutes, 40 seconds

Recognising National Reconciliation Week 2024

This is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

"The hardest cycle to break is the intergenerational cycle. To be able to step outside of that and look from the outside in, you can open your eyes to something that you would never think is possible."

Christianna Cartwright, CEO of Real Futures, shares her inspiring story of growth, courage, resilience and success in recognition of National Reconciliation Week.

5 minutes, 19 seconds

This International Women's Day, 8 March 2024, we join the United Nations to celebrate under the theme 'Count her in: Invest in Women. Accelerate progress'.

We asked members of our community, and fellow advocates for gender equity, what economic empowerment means to them.

"I remember going through a scarcity mindset and thinking...this is not how I want to live."

Yvette Martin, Chief Empowerment Officer of Lyka Pet Food, shares her story of resilience and explains what she did to secure her financial future, under difficult circumstances.

3 minutes, 18 seconds

"It's about being brave and bold, knowing your worth and your value."

Jacqui Bell, ultra marathon runner and mental health ambassador, describes how she believes women can pursue equity in pay and ultimately financial freedom.

1 minute, 11 seconds

Kym Reilly, Partner and Chair of the Gender Equity Network launches the program.

2 minutes, 55 seconds

"I'm a feminist, but I'm also a manist"

Distinguished businesswoman, Helen Wiseman, Board Chair, President, Non-executive Director, and lover of life, shares the story of her rise through the ranks of the professional services sector and her learnings for younger professionals. 

21 minutes, 53 seconds

Some personal views on gender equity

Nicholas Falzon and Lauren Deeflets on the significance of gender equity

5 minutes, 22 seconds

Kym Reilly, Partner, on unconscious bias

34 seconds

Jonathan Hannah, Manager, on his experience as a young professional in Sydney

37 seconds

Helen Wiseman on her experience in the boardroom

2 minutes, 17 seconds

The Gender Equity Network Committee

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We invite you to join us on our quest for gender equity in the professional services sector of Australia and New Zealand. You will receive the occasional invitation to events, and access to insights and interviews shared by inspirational leaders in our global community.


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